Hunting on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation

Trophy Mule Deer

World-class Mule Deer hunting is what the Jicarilla is best-known for. Our hunting program consistently produces huge bucks for our clients. If you are looking for that great opportunity to take a Mule Deer buck-of-a-lifetime, the Jicarilla Apache Reservation is the place to hunt.

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts

The Jicarilla offer some of the best bugling activity available in New Mexico, and some exceptional bulls have been taken in recent years. Jicarilla Trophy Bull Elk Hunts are famous for providing hunters the opportunity to pursue mature bulls during the rut. Hunter densities are low, success rates are high, and the quality of bulls is excellent.

The Horse Lake Mesa Trophy Bull Elk Hunt

The Horse Lake Mesa Trophy Bull Elk Hunt offers excellent opportunity to harvest bulls scoring 330-400+ SCI. This special management unit consists of 21 square miles of prime elk habitat, managed strictly for trophy elk hunting. These hunts are during the peak of the rut, offering unparalleled bugling activity and the chance to harvest a truly spectacular bull.

Mountain Lion, Black Bear and Turkey Hunts

Mountain Lion, Black Bear and Turkey hunts are also available. Mountain Lion are hunted during winter in classic hound-pursuit hunts. Success rates are high and big toms in the 150-200 pound class are taken regularly. Black Bear can be hunted in spring and fall, over bait or with hounds. Permit numbers are kept low to improve the hunters odds of taking large bruins. Merriams Turkey hunting on the Jicarilla is perhaps the best in the southwest.


All non-tribal member big game trophy hunts must be guided by a registered Jicarilla Apache Tribal Member Guide. A list of guides and their phone numbers is available on this site under the hunting menu. It is the responsibility of the hunter to make guide arrangements prior to their hunt. For more information contact the Jicarilla Game and Fish Director at 575-759-3255.   

After the Hunt

Jicarilla Game and Fish operates a skinning shed equipped with hoists, saws, and a walk-in cooler to temporarily store your game meat (2-days) while hunters make arrangements for processing.

Latest Updates

2025-2026 Hunting and Fishing Proclamations HAVE BEEN RELEASED

NTM Hunting Proclamation

NTM Draw Hunt Application

NTM Over-The-Counter Hunt Application

2025-2026 Hunting and Fishing Season Begins April 1st, 2025

Due to high wind and low humidity there is a open fire ban on the Jicarilla Apache Nation

No open fires allowed. Thank you for helping us protect the Nation and it's resources.

This ban will remain in effect until otherwise noted.